Annette Bratton
2 min readApr 16, 2022

Does Positive Self Talk Actually Help?

Self talk is the endless stream of unspoken thoughts that run through your head. It’s your inner voice, and it can have a big impact on your mental health and wellbeing.

Self talk can be positive or negative, helpful or harmful. It can help you feel optimistic and in control, or it can lead to obsessive thinking and destructive behaviours.

The good news is that you can control self talk.

Regulation of emotions and actions:

Self talk can be used to regulate our emotions and actions. When we’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, self talk can help us stay calm and focused.

Problem solving:

Self talk can also be used to quickly solve problems. By talking through potential solutions, we can often find a better answer than if we had tried to solve the problem on our own.

Reducing stress:

Self talk is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Talking through our problems can help us feel more in control and less overwhelmed

Negative self talk:

Negative self talk is when you put yourself down and don’t give yourself credit for what you’ve done.

It can lead to low self esteem and depression.

Positive self talk:

Positive self talk is when you build yourself up and give yourself credit for what you’ve done.

It can lead to high self esteem and happiness.

People who talk positively to themselves are more pleasant to be around.

Positive self talk leads to a more positive attitude.

In Conclusion, people who engage in positive self-talk are generally more pleasant to be around because they have a healthy outlook on life. This builds confidence and self-esteem, which are essential ingredients for a happy and fulfilling life. If you are looking to become a more positive person, start by engaging in positive self-talk every day. It will make a world of difference!

Annette Bratton

Love helping people! I do all sorts of Creative stuff like Writing & Crocheting, Daring, Customer Service Rep